If you’ve been shown job search ads on your work computer after doing an employment hunt from your tablet at home, you probably know what ‘the Grid’ is. If you’ve received walk-in angiography messages on your mobile while passing a heart-specialty hospital, or foreign education loan messages on your daughter’s 18 th birthday, you don’t need an introduction to the Grid. Wherever you go, you are constantly ‘in the Grid’ – tracked through your landline, mobile, traffic cameras, computer desktop, credit card, biometric devices at clubs and offices, store scanners, cookies, and what not. Electronic tracking and lack of privacy are an accepted fact of today’s times. Modern data marketers can build a dossier on us through the thousands of databases we are not even aware we are in. They can trace us even when we change IDs, names, cities. Because they now analyse the signs and behaviours that remain the same – the writing style, the c...